People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.
The goal is not to do business with everybody that needs what you have.
The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.
Simon Sinek
A business needs to develop a brand to set itself apart from others. A brand is the perception that customers have about your craft business. It’s what other people say and think about your business. It is your reputation.
Build and Develop a Brand
For a brand to be successful, you need to keep it consistent across everything that you do and make. Building a brand doesn’t happen overnight, but you can get started by creating your brand strategy and brand identity.
A brand strategy maps out everything about your business like your target audience, your story and values. Your brand identity is the way you portray your business to your customers through visual elements and it’s what makes your brand recognizable. You want your customers to recognize you easily among the competition. Now that you know who your target market is, you’ll be able to come up with a brand strategy, develop a brand and create an identity that truly represents your business.

Do Your Research
As with every aspect of your craft business, it’s time to do research to help you establish your strategy, develop a brand and form your identity. Pick a few businesses that you would consider to be competitors and research their brands. Take notes of their logos and styles, and write down what you like and don’t like. Look at things like their message and visuals, the quality of their products, their reviews and how they market as well. This will help you to create a brand that is different from what’s already out there, but it will also help you to figure out the styles that will attract your target audience.
The next step is to describe your brand as if you were telling someone else everything about your business. Write down your values, beliefs and features that represent your business. Things to consider are if your business will be sarcastic and witty, what your customer service is like, and what makes your products stand out from the competition.

Another way to help you develop a brand is to ask yourself questions like why did you start your business, what makes your business special and what are three words you would use to describe your business. Perhaps the biggest question to ask yourself is what makes you so passionate about your company. Write down as many details as you can, and phrase it in a way as if you were trying to sell your business to someone else.
Pick a Slogan
Not all businesses need a slogan, but it’s a great idea to have one. A slogan is a catchy phrase that you can pair with your business name. It’s short and to the point. It also summarizes the essence of your company, and it helps form your brand identity.

When thinking of a slogan, try to stick to five or less words so that your customers can remember it. Sometimes metaphors and alliterations are used to help people remember the words. When creating a slogan, keep it short and simple. Focus on what makes your business different and unique, and always consider your target market. You might have to play around with your slogan until it looks and sounds just right. When you have a few in mind, run them by friends and family members to get their feedback.
If you need help coming up with a slogan, you can try an online slogan generator for free to help you brainstorm. You can also hire a slogan expert to help you come up with just the right slogan. Once you have a slogan, you can use that to help you develop a logo.
Use the FREE Printable PDF worksheet below to help you with finding and building your brand.

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This worksheet will help you find your brand.
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